"What If?" Radio Archives April 2021 - July 2024 "What If?" Radio airs every other Sunday at Noon Pacific on Kootenay Coop Radio in Nelson, British Columbia.
We explore the intersections of environment, justice, Health, and "What If" we can work to change our world to be healthier and more just. Hosted by Stephenie Hendricks and Lori Barkley
Nelson & Environs – 93.5 FM
Crawford Bay & North Kootenay Lake – 96.5 FM
New Denver & Silverton – 107.5 FM
Slocan Valley & Castlegar – 101.5 FM
Live on the web at https://www.kootenaycoopradio.com
Show ideas, Comments: whatifradio93.5@gmail.com Received Honorable Mention in the Breaking Boundaries category for the 2023 National Community Radio Association’s annual Campus and Community Radio Broadcast Awards Current Shows
July 21, 2024 Show Audio
The Hendricks Family Show
Proud Mama Stephenie hosts Jeff Bruchez, manager of the University of California Davis Bicycle Program, talks about bike policies, how to make roads more bike friendly and accesible. Daughter Becky Hendricks Miller talks about Teton Valley Idaho and the music scene there, including her band the Balsam Roots. Daughter Sarah Hendricks sings and shares music from her group Pomegranate Sunday. Becky and Sarah share a live duet.
July 7, 2024 Show Audio Paul Finch
President, BCGEU
Paul Finch discusses investment strategies with the BC General Employees Union. He discusses their affordable housing campaign and his discovery of being on the autism spectrum.
June 23, 2024 Show Audio Judith Stein and Vesper Valentine
Kootenasy Burlesque Festival
Burlesque Legend of Canada Judith Stein shares stories with Kootenay Burlesque Festival founder, producer and performer, Vesper Valentine. https://kootenayburlesquefestival.com/home
Darren Davidson
Host, Years for Fears and Kootenay Morning
Michael Murray
Host, Flashnack 70's
Kim Bater
Host, Kootenay Morning
Jaymes Bowman
Host, The Feed
May 26, 2024 Repeat Senator Kim Pate (Please scroll down to March 26, 2023 for Show Audio) May 12, 2024 Show Audio Mother's Day Special
For Mother's Day this year, we reached out to four renowned women in our community: Family Law Lawyer Claire Berlund, Singer Laura Landsberg, Poet and Writer Almeda Glenn Miller, and Photographer and Hairstylist Lisa Seyfried, to share their stories about their own moms and becoming mothers themselves.
Clair Berland
Almeda Glenn Miller
April 28, 2024 Show Audio Tzeporah Berman
Environmental Advocate
Renowned environmental protection advocate Tzeporah Berman talks about BC's history of protests to protrect old growth forestsd, the carabon tax, the Fossiel Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiatve, and how she sits down with timber and fossil fuel company executives to negotiate. She's speaking May 1 as part of the Mir Centre for Peace lecture series at the Capitol Theatre in Nelson, tickets: www.capitoltheatre.ca.
Discussed on the show:
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt
The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
April 14, 2024 Show Audio Sid Shniad and Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta
Sid and Maxine are active supporters of Palestinian solidarity and working toweard peace.
The film Israelism is discussed.
March 31, 2024 Show Audio Shayna Jones
Storyteller, Performance rtist
Shayna discusses her "Black and Rural" performance and the research she conducted speaking with rural dwelling Black Canadians across the country. She'll perform her work April 11, 2024 at the Capitol Theatre in Nelson, BC. For more info: www.wearestoryfolk.com
March 17, 2024 Show Audio Mr. James Maloney
Member of Parliament, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Mr. Maloney talks about the Online Harms Act, federal legislation that enhances the criminal code for online predators and regulates hate speech on line. Then we hear from Reason TV, a liberatarian group about the risks of regulating hate speech. Next, from US/Them are definitions of hate speech from the Europeasn Liberal Forum , and finally, from the executtive director of the Dangerous Speech Project,Susan Benesch, on how you can tell whether or not hate speech is dangerous.
Mr. Maloney talks about the Online Harms Act, federal legislation that enhances the criminal code for online predators and regulates hate speech on line. Then we hear from Reason TV, a liberatarian group about the risks of regulating hate speech. Next, from US/Them are definitions of hate speech from the Europeasn Liberal Forum , and finally, from the executive director of the Dangerous Speech Projecrt,Susan Benesch, on how you can tell whether or not hate speech is dangerous.
March 3, 2024 Show Audio Mark Dowie
Investigative Journalist, Author of Judith Letting Go
Investigative journalist Mark Dowie talks about his exploration of death detailed in his new book, Judith Letting Go. From the self described muckraker who uncovered the exploding Ford Pinto gas tank that killed and injured many, and Dalkon Shield IUDs that were killing women all over the world, Mark focused his attention on death and dying with a woman who had intractable, incurable pain, who decided to end her life and shared her journey with Mark.
February 18, 2024 Audio Samara Nicoll
Owner, Notably A Booklover's Emporium
Independent book store owner Samara Nicoll tells how she opened a new independent book store in Nelson during the pandemic, managing to create a community hub for book lovers of all ages. www.notably.ca. Notably sponsores "What If?"
February 4, 2024 Show Audio Chinese Lunar New Year with Stanley Xie
Wing's Grocery, Nelson, BC
We begin by talking about the Chinese Lunar New Year with info on Chinese astrology, Feng Shui, and Nelson's Wing Grocery spokesperson, Stanley Xie. Then Lorna Vissar talks about Snk-mip Marsh Nature Preserve restoration and the Valhalla Foundation for Ecology.
Lorna Vissar
Executive Director, Valhalla Foundation for Ecology
January 21, 2024 Show Audio Nadine Tremblay
Executive and Artistic Director for Trail Arts Council at Charles Bailey Theatre
Nadine Tremblay, Chair of the Trail Arts Council, designed a puppet show for children 10-13 to help them learn about sex, LGBTQ2S+ people, puberty, and more. https://artstarts.com/artist-profile/g-rated-a-musical-puppet-show
January 7, 2024 Show Audio Lola Brouillette
Nelson's 2024 Sports Amabssador
Nelson's Sports Ambassador for 2024 is a member of Canada's National Boxing Team, is a Provinicial Champion, and has accomplished all this as she has just turned 18. For more info https://www.nelsonboxingclub.com
December 31, 2023 Show Audio New Year's Eve Special - Stephenie's Fave Music
Stephenie plays her favorite jazz, R&B and other music to help close out the year.
December 10, 2023 Show Audio Marilyn James
Matriarch of the Autonomous Sinixt
Marilyn James discusses the history and complexities that challenge the Autonomous Sinixt people in BC. For more info: www.sinixt.org.
November 26, 2023 Wayne McCrory Show Audio
Wildlife Biologist
Although Wayne is renowned for his researcvh on bears, he discussed his research on wild horses and his new book, The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History, Present, and Future Harbor Publishing
See also Valhalla Foundation for Ecology. .
November 12, 2023 The Honourable David McGuinty Show Audio
P.C., M.P., Chair of the National Security and Intelligence Committee
Mr. McGuinty discusses a report from an independent Parliamentarain Committee about the RCMP, and explains the various responsiblities of the RCMP for both foreign and domestic law enforcement obligations.
October 29, 2023 Show Audio Randy Janzen Mary Ann Morris
Unarmed Civilian Peacekeepers
Randy Janzen and Mary Ann Morris discuss their interrupted trip to the West Bank in Palestine when violence broke out between Hamas and Israel. They explain how unarmed civilian peacekeeping strategies might be one way to break the cycles of violence.
More Info: https://selkirk.ca/why-selkirk/our-places/mir-centre-peace/unarmed-civilian-peacekeeping
From Randy and Mary Ann:
What Can We Do?
1) Contact your MP and Minister of Foreign Affairs to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Melanie Joly, Minister of Foreign AffairsHouse of Commons, Ottawa, ONK1A 0A6 (No postage required!)Phone: 613-992-0983E-mail @ melanie.joly@parl.gc.ca
Rob Morrison, Member of Parliament, 911 Justice Building, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6Email: Rob.Morrison@parl.gc.caCall constituency Office: 1-800-668-5522
2) Donate for Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza & West Bank:
A) Humanitarian Aid Coalition @ https://www.humanitariancoalition.ca/**Government of Canada will match donations up to $10 million retroactively fromOctober 7th – November 12th
B) Doctors without Borders (MSF): https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/ourresponse-israel-gaza-war
C) International Committee of the Red Cross:https://www.icrc.org/en/document/israel-and-occupied-territories-evacuationorder-of-gaza-triggers-catastrophic-humanitarian-consequences
October 15, 2023 Show Audio Sidney Coles
Journalist, Human Rights Advocate
Sidney describes the CIRG, or Community Industry Response unit of the RCMP designed to remove protestors from old growth and oil and gas pipeline protests. Former US CIA chief General Petraeus influenced this unit that has no apparent oversight.
For more info: https://ricochet.media/en/3980/training-for-rcmps-wetsuweten-raids-provided-by-former-us-commander-in-iraq-and-afghanistan
October 1, 2023 Show Audio Senator Kim Pate
Canadian Senator
Senator Pate discusses her recent trip to Syria to investigate Canadians being held in refugee camnps and prisons. She also discusses the disproportionate incarceration of Indigenous women in Canada.
September 17, 2023 Sarah Hendricks Rose Rimler Show Audio
"Science Vs" podcast producer Rose Rimler and Family Nurse Practitioner Sarah Hendricks
"Science Vs." producer Rose Rimler brought clips for her renowned podcast, joined by close friend, Family Nurse Practitioner Sarah Hendricks, as we discussed various science stories produced by Rose and how they relate to Sarah's work in medicine. More info: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs
September 3, 2023 Amber Peters and Paige Harwood Show Audio
Amber Peters and Paige Harwood
Two remarkable women discuss their work. Biologist Amber Peters from the Valhalla Foundatiuon for Ecology discusses the restoration of the Snkmp Marsh on the north end of the Slocan Lake. For more info>www.valhallafoundationforecology.org.
Paige Harwood relays her journey to Palestine and the impact it has had on her world view.
August 20, 2023 Show Audio Jesse Pinero
Nelson Boxing and Athletic Club Founder and Head Coach talks about going to Cali, Columbia, with the National Canadian Boxting Team, including fighters from his own club. Jesse also talks a little about being on the Nelson City Council.
August 6, 2023 Show Audio Leo McGrady KC
Leo McGrady KC is a renowned civil rights and labour lawyer. He shares his wisdom about lawful protests.
Resources from Leo
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Know Your Protest Rightsʻ
Know Your Rights: Injunctions and Conpempt of Courtʻ.
UVic Environmental Law Centre
"Civil Disobedience: A Legal Handbook for Activists"
BC Prosecution Service Crown Counsel Policy Manual -
Civil Disobedience and Contempt of Related Court Orders - March 2018.
July 23, 2023 Show Audio Paul Sharp, PhD
Paul Sharp reseaehes men's health and talks about a new study about how men can get support from their peers. He's looking for participants https://menshealthresearch.ubc.ca.
July 9, 2023 Show Audio (for both Jesse and Norm) Jesse Pinero
Jesse Pinero, founder and head coach at the Neslon Boxing and Athletics Club, talks about two of his team who made it on to the national Canadian boxing team
Norman Jelfs
Volunteer with Navcare
Norm talks about how deeply meaningful it is to support isolated community members, many of whom have disabilities.
June 25, 2023 Show Audio Melanie Mercier
Melanie Merceier is a geologist, hortoculturalist and concerned resident of the Rossland area. She talks about an open pit mine proposal close to residents and a school.
June 11, 2023 Show Audio Alexandra Pronovost
Campaign Lead, Rewilding Piq kiʔláwna?
What is "rewilding?" Why do the Autonomous Sinixt believe it is their responsiblity to be guardians of our ecosystems? Alexandra Pronovost explains why this is the centre of their Interntaional Indigenous People's Day celebration June 21st.
Skylar Walsh
Skylar Walsh, Community Engagement Manager with the Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre
Skylar discusses the Rossland Museum's role in supporting local Autonomous Sinixt history and culture with a showing of the film, BEYOND EXTINCTION: A SINIXT RESURGENCE, at 3:30pm on June 21st, International Indigenous People's Day.
May 28, 2013 Show Audio Alex Hemingway
Senior Economist, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Buying or renting housing is impossible, food prices are climbing - how to balance out the economy? Tax indiviuals making over $10 million - just 1% on money over $10 million. Alex explains his proposal.
May 14, 2023 Show Audio (2 Interviews) Sharmila Miller
AntiRacism Educator
Sharmilla MIller is a young teacher who has been involved in the BC AntiRacism K-12 Action Plan. She talks about the importance of discussing racism in elementary school.
Randy Janzen
Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping Facilitator
A nurse and co-founder of the Selkirk College Peace and Justice Studies program, former Chair of the Mir Centre for Peace, Randy now is engaged with Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping (click on link for training dates), an alternative to violent militairy intervention. Discussed on the show: Film, Soldiers Without Guns. Textbook co-written by Randy: Unarmed Civilian Protection:A New Paradigm for Protection and Human Security
April 30, 2023 Show Audio Jessica Michalofsky
Aubrey's Mom
Jessia Michalofsky's son Aubrey died from toxic drugs, and she has been literally running to raise awareness and change drug policy. More info: Moms Stop the Harm.
April 16, 2025 Show Audio Dr. Nick Sparrow
Dr. Nick Sparrow is an emergency room physician who volunteers his time to race to car accidents, heart attack victims, and other medical emergencies in the Kootenays. Saving lives, this volunteer organization sees those of us in the Kootenays at our worst, and helps us on, often, the most frightening days of our lives. To support Nick and KERPA, click on the red text above.
April 2, 2023 Show Audio Tanya Bignell
Former Correctional Officer
Tanya Bignell is featured in the film "Conviction," which was made at the time that she was a correctional officer in a woman's prison in Nova Scotia. She discussed with us the situations she saw that landed women in prison and their plights when they are released.
Discussed: From the Ground Up concept for helping women as they are released from prison.
March 19, 2023 Show Audio Senator Kim Pate
Prior to being appointed to the Senate in 2016, Kim Pate was already a nationally renowned advocate for those in prison. Senator Pate has a law degree, completed post-graduate work in forensic mental health, and was the Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies and also worked with the John Howard Society (both of which advocate for the rights of the incarcerated). In addition, she developed and taught law courses at several Canadian universities, and was Human Rights Chair at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law. And those are only a few of Senator Pate’s accomplishments, we don’t even have time to mention her many awards and publications. She appears in a documentary film about incarcerated women here in Canada called Conviction.
Discussed on the show: From the Ground Up Society
March 5, 2023 Show Audio Adeeb Malas, MD
Dr. Malas is a graduate of the Selkirk College Rural Medicine program. He went on to graduate from the University of British Columbia medical school with a degree in psychiatry. Before any of that, Dr. Malas and his family had to flee their homeland of Syria, living briefly as refugees in Saudi Arabia. They found a home in Canada. Dr. Malas discusses the current issues with mental health, including depression from factors such as climate change and violence in the world. For those seeking resources to support mental health, visit Wellbeing. check out the Selkirk Rural Medicine Program.
February 19, 2023 Show Audio Iona Whishaw
Iona Whishaw discusses how her real life World War II spy mother inspires her Lane Winslow detective series set in the Kootenays and how she addresses racism, sexism and discrimination in the story lines.
Tom Wayman
Renowned author Tom Wayman discusses words, writing, and how important our workplace settings are to our human experiences. www.tomwayman.com
February 5, 2023 Show Audio Louis Bockner
Photojournalist, writer
Argenta based photojournalist Louis Bockner talks about his recent trip to Palestine, and his experience as an eyewittness to the Israeli occupation. Look for his upcoming work on www.louisbockner.com. Check out his story, "If You Can Forget."
January 22, 2023 Show Audio Ajay Parasram
Author, Professor
Dr. Ajay Parasram is an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University, cross-appointed in the Departments of International Development Studies, History and Political Science. He describes himself as a transnational, multi generational byproduct of empire. Ajay’s work focuses on how academics and our eurocentric cultures have sanitized colonial histories, the colonial present and how structural violence has become normalized over time. His academic work calls all of that into question. Ajay Parasram also has a YouTube Channel with a video series called Safe Space for White Questions and a recently-released book Frequently Asked White Questions, both with Alex Khasnabish, professor of Anthropology at Mount Saint Vincent University. For more info: https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/frequently-asked-white-questions
January 8, 2023 Show Audio Robert Chursinoff
Robert talks about his debut novel The Descendants,inspired by his experiences growing up in a Doukhobor family in Castlegar. https://harbourpublishing.com/collections/robert-chursinoff
December 11, 2022 Show Audio Shayna Jones
Award winning performance artist
Shayna specializes in the Traditional Oral Storytelling of African and Afro-Diasporic Folklore. She is a professionally trained Actor, Vocalist, and Fine Mover, performing for audiences across Canada. Shayna has created a project called Black and Rural. Learn more about Shayna and her work at: www.wearestoryfolk.com.
November 27, 2022 Show Audio
Lorna Vissar
Director, Valhalla Foundation for Ecology
Lorna discusses the preservation of the Snk'mip Marsh Sanctuary in the Slocan Valley and how its restoration has attracted birds, turtles, and other important ecosystem species. The public is invited to experience the restored wetland area that also helps sequester carbon to help ameliorate climate change.
Amber Peters
Staff Biologist Valhalla Wilderness Society
Amber tells us about three important Provinical Park proposals that will add connectivity to various species in British Columbia, including with areas here in the Kootenays.
November 13, 2022 Show Audio Wayne McCrory
Wildlife Biologist, Bear Expert
Winner of the 2022 British Columbia Land Champion award, Wayne McCrory is one of the foremost bear biologists in Canada. He also co-founded the Valhalla Wilderness Society and has worked for decades on preserving ecosystems throughout Canada and the U.S., especailly the Kootenay region of Brtish Columbia.He discusses bears, how to prevent them from being killed, the threat of climate change and how governments are failing at protecting all species.
October 30, 2022 Show Audio Paja Faudree
Linguistic Anthropologist, Researcher
Paja Faudree, PhD., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Brown University, discusses her research with Indigenous communities in Mexico, their traditions with Dia de los Muertos, the Indigneous Revival, and the corporate interference with psychedelic plant guardianship held by Indigenous peoples.
Links from Paja:
Restarting the Gun Debate: Suicide After COVID-19 Recipes for Pan de Muertos:
October 16, 2022 Show Audio Jesse Pinero
Founder, Nelson Boxing Club
Jesse talks about his career as a competitive boxer, how important boxing is for fitness and mental acuity, and how he teaches the kids in Nelson how to face challenges.
October 2, 2022 Show Audio Claire Berland
Family Law Lawyer
Clair has been practicing law for 16 years. She moved back to the Kootenays 10 yrs ago after working as a staff lawyer at Legal Aid Manitoba practicing child protection, family and poverty law for 3 years. She also worked at Manitoba Justice for 3 yrs, where she did maintenance enforcement, but also worked on policy regarding Hague Abductions and was engaged in drafting legislationto protect children.For info on finding a legal aid lawyer in BC, check out: Legal Aid BC Photo: Selkirk College
September 18, 2022 Show Audio Marilyn James
Smum Iem, Sinixt Matriarch
Sinixt Matriarch Marilyn James discusses Truth & Reconcilliation Day (September 30), and ways Settlers can authentically observe it. For more info: www.sinixt.org.
Ericka Scott
Founder, Creating Consent Culture
Ericka Scott discusses "Consent Culture," and how to say "No," and how to create a culture that is safe for children to be able to say "No," especially for body autonomy.
September 4, 2022 Show Audio Dr. Lindsay Harris
Anthropologist, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, and Food Policy Implementation Lead with the Kamloops Food Policy Council
Lindsay Harris is an advocate of the belief that food is a universal human right. She works toward manifesting this as a practical reality through the Kamloops Food Policy Council.
August 22, 2022 Show Audio Russ Diabo
Indigenous Policy Analyst
Russ Diabo is a member of the Mohawk Nation at Kahnawake. He has worked at the Assembly of First Nations, was a founding member of the Aboriginal Peoples Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada, and the Defenders of the Land Network in Winnipeg. Russ has decades of experience in policy analysis and planning. I could go on for the entire show just summarizing Russ’ decades of work on the front lines of Indigenous politics on Turtle Island. www.russdiablo.com
Additional Resources
Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance (Lori says it is a "must see")
Dancing Around the Table Part One (2 parts)
Part Two
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
August 7, 2022 Show Audio Noah Ross
Attorney for Last Stand West Kootenay
Noah explains what has happened with the 18 people arrested in May of 2022 who were protesting the logging of old growth trees near Argenta. He explained the C-IRG (Community-Industry Response Group ) unit of the RCMP created to remove protestors from oil pipeline, old growth, and other resource extraction protests, on behalf of various industries.
Last Stand West Kootenay Facebook
July 24, 2022 Show Audio
Lori Barkley joined What If? as Co-Host on this episode. I am so lucky for Lori to join the show. As an antropologist and long time resident of this area, Lori brings tremendous knowledge and networks with interesting people to this program. Thank you Lori! Next time, we'll learn more about her and also about my graduate studies research. Stay Tuned!
Lori Barkley
Oh Pray Tell
Musical Duo
Beth Stupple and Sally Titasey are the very talented duo who call themselves Oh Pray Tell. Committed to social justice, both women work outside of music to make the world a better place.
Check out their clap,stomp, snap acoustic music at www.ohpraytell.com.
Judith Kasiama
An outdoor recreation ethusiast, Judith works to diversify outdoor recreation for marginalized BIPOC folks. In this episode, she talks about how difficult it is for BIPOC folks to be able to feel safe and enjoy the same priviliges as white folks in the great outdoors.
July 10, 2022 Show Audio Sarah Hendricks
Family Nurse Practitioner
Sarah Hendricks is a Family Nurse Practitioner workinG on a team dealing the folks suffering from diabetes (she is also my daughter 😊). She discusses what it is that FNPs actually do, and tells us about diabetes including what the warning signs are - if you have these, consult your health care provider. For more info:
Canada Nurse Practioners
U.S. Nurse Practitioners
Daryl Verville
Musician, Author, Trauma Survivor
This is just one of two segments that originally aired on "What If?" on May 15th, 2022, so scroll down for the complete show. Daryl's story of surviving family trauma connected to his father's residential school experience inspired him to write a book, Epistles to the Pope: A Personal History of Perilous Priestcraft, and to return to his beloved classically inspired music. Find out more on Daryl's website, here.
June 26, 2022 Show Audio KL Kivi
Publisher, MAA Press
Board Member, Blood of Life Collective.
KL discusses the Legible.com interactive book of "Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way." She also explains the complicated history of the Autonomous Sinixt Indigenous people and why other bands are seeking to claim the Autonomous Sinixt territory.
Some of Steph's Favorite Tunes
Old School
Harkening back to my Deejay days (back when dinosaurts roamed the earth, we had LP's, and I worked at a multicultureal radio station in Berkeley, California), the sun was out today and it was time to be outdoors enjoying our beautiful nature, so I scrapped the last interview segment I had planned and played these tunes, among my most favorite:
"Firm Roots," Kitty Margolis from her Evolution album
"Inverness", Joe Sealy from Duel Vision with Paul Novotny
"San Francisco River, Airto, from Fingers
"Can You Feel What I'm Saying," Minnie Riperton, from the album of the same name.
June 12, 2022 Show Audio
Today's show features three remarkable guests who are dedicated to justice. Marilyn James, Matriarch of the Autonomous Sinixt, tells why groups outside of Canada are trying to have her removed from her ancestral lands. Argenta resident Louis Bockner reports on the disturbing RCMP elite unit that arrested protestors in Argenta for defending Old Growth forest from logging. MLA Doug Routley talks about his investigation into reforming the BC Police Act and how he thinks a new law enforcement agency is needed for BC that is more educated and sensitive to serving their communities in a healthier manner.
Marilyn James
Matriarch of Autonomous Sinixt
www.sinixt.org. For settler supporters of the Autonomous Sinixt:
Louis Bockner
Journalist, resident of Argenta. Louis dicusses RCMP arrests of forest defenders on May 17, 2022.
May 29, 2022 Show Audio Bill Lynch
Bill Lynch, refugee supporter
Bill Lynch talks about his travels to Afghanistan, and an enduring friendship he enbcountered there that has led him to work to bring his friend and family to safety in Canada. Bill gives a keen accounting of Afghanistan's history and the current state of affairs there. To support Bill's efforts to bring an Afgahn family to safety in Canada, click here.
May 15, 2022 Show Audio Daryl Verville
Author, pianist
Daryl Verville discusses working through the impacts on his family and himself from residential school trauma suffered by his father. He shares the events that led to his writing Epistles to the Pope: A Personal History of Perilous Priestcraft, and how working through his own trauma has grown his artistry as a musician.
May 1, 2022 Show Audio Tom Wayman
Poet, novelist. essayist, labor rights in literature advocate
Tom Wayman is a renowned writer and recent recipient of the George Woodcock Lifetime Achievement Award. He is perhaps known best for focusing on issues of demoncracy in the workplace. In this conversation he discusses his love for words and language, the hisstory of worker suppression, and reads two of his poems. Check out his books and other readings at www.tomwayman.com
April 17, 2022 Show Audio Spring Celebration Show Thomas Coombs
In this TedX talk, Coombs recounts the story of his grandmother fleeing nazis as inspiration for him working to learn how to find hope in dark times.
April 3, 2022 Show Audio Chinese Immigrants and Chinese Canadians in the Kootenays
Nelson, BC, and the surrounding Kootenay areas share an important history of Chinese immigrants and Chinese Canadians who have provided great contributions to our heritage and present day life. The show begins with an excerpt from the Fred Wah radio drama "A Door to Be Kicked." Check out the full play, based on Fred's novel, Diamond Grill, inspired by his family's Chinese restaurant in Nelson as he was growing up. Next, we hear from Kootenay Historian Greg Nesteroff, with his research on the presence of Chinese immigrants in Nelson's past - including about the building that currently houses Kootenay Coop Radio. Click on the red text to see Greg's Kutenai Reader website. Finally, Stanley Xie tells us about his family's present day market, Wing's Grocery in Nelson. Click on the red text below to see Wing's on-line store.
Chinese Immigrant and Chinese Canadian Music
Throughout the show we hear from a variety of talented Chinese immgrant or Chinese Canadian musicians. Canadian born Kelly Yu has become very popular in China. Chinese Canadian Bruce Xiaoyu Liu won the 18th International Chopin competition last fall in Warsaw, Poland. Gong Gong Gong is a group that is popular both in China and Canada. Click on red text for more info on these artists.
March 20, 2022 Show Audio JJ Verigin
Executive Director, Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ
JJ Verigin descends from one of the first families and influential leaders of the Doukhobor communities here in the Kootenays. Of both Russian and Ukrainian descent, JJ discusses how he and his community are working toward peace, in Ukraine and Russia and throughout the world.
Photo: Trona Garvie
March 6, 2022 Show Audio Nathan Goodale
Anthropologic Archaeologist
(click for Nathan's personal
Professor of Anthropology
Associate Dean, Hamilton College
Lori Barkley
Staff AnthropologistAutonomous Sinixt
Goodale and Barkley collaborated with UBC researcher Cole Harris and others on a new book, Sinixt in the Slocan, the Last 3,000 years. They discuss the amazing discoveries in the Slocan Valley that demonstrate evidence for almost continuous habitation for thousands of years.
Discussed on the show:
Sinixt in the Slocan, the Last 3,000 years.
Chameleon Fire Editions.
Video of project, “Archaeology at the River Narrows: Indigenous Occupation of the Slocan Valley"
Blood of Life Collective - settler group working toward just relatiomships with the Autonomous Sinixt.
February 20, 2022 Show Audio Sarah Salter Kelly
Author of Trauma as Medicine, a DIY book for healing trauma and transforming your life
At the age of twenty, Sarah suffered a devastating loss from a terrible violent act. Her pursuit of healing has led her on a powerful journey that includs understanding how the legacy of colonialism manifests continued harm that impacts everyone. Sarah shares insights on how to use trauma to become empowered.
Sarah's website.
February 6, 2022 Show Audio
Sylvia Mangue Alene
President, BC Black History Awareness Society
talks about Black settlers who came to BC in the 1800's Their stories are displayed on her virtual gallery (found at the link above).
Dr. Mel Reasoner
Climate Scientist, explains climate change in the Kootenays. From a presentation put on by Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology. Mel and other presenters found here.
photo: Castlegar News
Dr. Suzanne Simard
Suzanne Simard is a Professor of Forest Ecology at the University of British Columbia and the author of Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest. She describes her discoveries of how trees communicate with one another. From a TED talk.
Support her work with the Mother Tree Project.
Canada's First Lady of Jazz
This week Canada Post issued a new stamp in honour of Eleanor Collins, an iconic Canadian jazz singer.
CBC 2019 Interview
Excerpt from Eleanor's TV show, "Eleanor," from 1954, singing "Bamboula"
Show Audio Paul Heroux, BSc, MSc and PhD
Physicist, Toxicologist, Epidemiologist with McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Dr. Heroux discusses his research into harm to cell biology from nonionizing radiation from wireless technology, and explains why "Smart Cities" and 5G are hazardous technologies allowed in the marketplace without adequate scientific review for hazards to human health and the environment.
Anaya Lambert
January 9th, 2022 - repeat of July 4th, 2021 show, scroll down for details
Projects and Campaigns Coordinator with the Autonomous Sinixt
KL discusses why the corridor between Kaslo and New Denver is sacred to the Autonomous Sinixt, and why they consider themselves guardians of this ancestral homeland.
Blood of Life Collective
Wild Connection
Autonomous Sinixt - Not Extinct
Wayne McCrory
Certified Wildlife Biologist
Dr. McCrory explains why many animals - including the white grizzly - and ecosystems are in delicate balance, threatened by a proposed large ski resort development in the Kaslo/New Denver corridor, and tells us how we can learn to drive more carefully along Highway 31A to avoid hitting the many migratory species that cross the road.
Vallhalla Wilderness Society
December 5, 2021 Show Audio Jennie Barron,PhD
Instructor, Peace and Justice Studies Program at Selkirk College, Chair of the Mir Centre for Peace
Jennie and Steph talk about the concept of The Commons, the academic discipline of Peace and Justice Studies, and the Mir Centre for Peace.
Things talked about on the show:
Elinor Ostrom - economist who advocated for a cooperative economy
Restorative Justice
The Doukhobors
November 21, 2021 Show Audio Greta Thunberg
Climate Activist
Today, we begin the show with the audio from a video by Greta Thunberg, reminding us that there are ways we can dig in and help deal with the climate crisis. Photo by Michael Campanella/The Guardian
Laura Nessman
Sustainability Coordinator
Selkirk College
Laura discusses upcoming TEDX "Climate Countdown" happening today (11/21/21, 3pm pacific) with local sustainability leaders.
Jamie Hunter and Linn Murray
Nelson, BC, local advocates for environmental protections tell of their trip to Glasgow, Scotland to join tens of thousands of other young people from all over the world to demand commitments from world leaders and others in power to take urgent action toward dealing with climate change.
November 7, 2021
Ana Karen San Emeterio Castillo
Artist, social justice advocate, student of art therapy
Ana Karen San Emeterio Castillo is a student at the Kutenai Art Therapy Institute in Nelson. She plans to take what she has learned back to her home in Mexico City to support social justice advocates, particularly those working on gender violence. Find her work on Instagram at @Amapolaarteterapia
Stephanie Kletas
Stephanie shares what it's like to grow up in BC as a Mexican-Canadian, and how she and other UBC students are working to raise awareness in Canada about news and culture in Latin America
October 24, 2021
Silvia Mangue Alene
Founder, Kulea Culture Society, President of the British Columbia Black History Awareness Society, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator at City of Victoria BC ·
Silvia Mangue Alene shares all of the endeavors she has launched in British Columbia to engage in anti-racism - from culturally diverse food programs to virtual museums. and workshops on how to actively engage in anti-racism.
October 10, 2021 Sarah West
Art Therapist and Consultant
What if art can heal our cultural, organizational, and personal problems? Art therapist Sarah West discusses how land based art therapy change our perspectives to figure out difficult decisions and face difficult situations - including "eco-grief."
Workshops and more at EarthenVision
September 27th, 2021 Rita Moir
Author, Not A Reason,
A Recipe for Outrunning Sadness
Rita Moir is a long time resident of the Slocan Valley and and a prolific writer. As a former journalist, Rita reports on her own lived experiences with well honed and eleoquent writing. In this book, published by Caitlin Press, Rita talks about going through the deaths of her beloved older sister and mother, and how she worked through the grief.
September 12th Dr. Monica Unseld
Professor, data researcher, community advocate
Show Audio
What if communities knew how to collect data that can provide evidence of harm against their health? Dr. Monica Unseld is the founder of Until Justice Data Partners, an organization that helps communities learn how to collect data, and how to understand qualitative and quantitative evidence needed to hold polluters and other environmental health violators accountable. Hear why documenting tear gas exposure is so important, and other projects helping communities to stay healthy.
Discussed on the show:
Tyrone Hayes, biochemist at University of California, Berkeley
Robert Bullard. The "Father " of Environmental Justice
Toxic Waste and Race
Toxic Waste and Race at Twenty
Environmental Health and Justice Alliance
Coming Clean
August 29th - 3 Hour Special Edition for KCR Summer Break
Discussed on the show:
White Fragility by Robin DeAngelo
Querying ‘Karen’: The rise of the angry white woman, by Diane Negra and Julie Leyda
What if we could figure out how to achieve justice for everyone? Anaya Lambert helps us figure this complex issue. Jazz pianist Joe Sealy's Africville Suite highlights important Canadian history through music. Judy Kasiama shows us how to bring diverse outdoor recreation users to our community.
August 15th Show, Encore Airing of Jamie Hunter and Dr. Melissa Lem, Scroll Down for info
Gerardo Ochoa
Lori Barkley
This Weeks Guests
A 2016 talk by then Harvard University student Lion Lee with his view on how names shape how we are able to navigate our society and economic system.
Gerardo (jer-ah-doe) Ochoa (ow-choe-ah), with Linfield University in Portland, Oregon, explains why pronouncing people’s names is so important especially with children from cultures not part of the mainstream - mispronouncing their names or assigning them a more quote “normal” quote name can impact their self esteem, and not in a good way.
Political Anthropologist Lori Barkley talks about the new Autonomous Sinixt map with original names for the Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ in upper Columbia River watershed in BC.Facebook Page Maa Press
Blood of Life Collective..
KL Kivi
Show Audio
Writer, Publisher
This week, What If? talks to K.L. Kivi member of the Sinixt-Settler Collaborative Activist group, the Blood of Life Collective. What does it take to stand in solidarity with Indigenous People? K.L. also talks about a new Autonomous Sinixt initiative which calls for the Rewilding of piq kiʔláwnaʔ (white grizzly), a 400sq km wilderness in the Central Selkirk Mountains.
Blood of Life Collective
Antiracism consultant and educator Anaya Lambert discusses what if we could transform deep foundations of racism?
Antiracism Workshop July 18th. For more info: anaya.a.bani@gmail.com
Discussed on program: Resma Menakem
Judith KasiamaColour the Trails
Article: The real story behind MEC’s open letter on diversity
Antiracism Workshop July 18th. For more info: anaya.a.bani@gmail.com
Discussed on program: Resma Menakem
Judith KasiamaColour the Trails
Article: The real story behind MEC’s open letter on diversity
June 20,2021 Show audio
Astrologer Caroline Casey talks about Summer Solstice and more...
Coyote Network News
Four the Moment, Nova Scotia a capella group
CBC Report on Cole Harbour
Zamania Millar, young singer from Nova Scotia
June 6, 2021 Show audio
July 4, 2021 Anaya Lambert Show audio
River of Dreams
Composer and pianist Joe Sealy (8th generation Canadian) celebrates the story of his family, residents, events and landmarks from Africville with compelling music and storytelling. Jackie Richardson- Storyteller/singer | Joe Sealy-Composer/piano | Paul Novotny-Bass/producer | Mark Kelso-Drums | John Johnson- Saxophones.this song is part of a collection of five music videos that tells stories about Africville. This concert was performed at The North York Performing Arts Center in February of 2012. The group will tour, so if you want to book them, go to triplerecords.com, the music videos are there as well, called Africville Stories.
Caroline Casey
What If,
"Grief is expressed as art and becomes a sacrament of kinship”
"We experiment with replacing the word 'trauma' with 'my dangerous beautiful assignment'"
“We move our default setting to 'woof woof wanna play?!'"
"We experiment with replacing the word 'trauma' with 'my dangerous beautiful assignment'"
“We move our default setting to 'woof woof wanna play?!'"
May 23, 2021
Show audio
Jamie Hunter
Suggested Reading (click on text for link):
Books about and by Greta Thunberg
Dr. Melissa Lem
Family Physician
What if health care providers professionally prescribe spending time in Nature to their patients? What does this mean for how we value natural places?
PARX and Canadian Association of Physicias for the Environment
May 9th, 2021 Show audio
David Knox
Human Ecologist
What if we can heal ourselves by addresing emotional and spiritual wounds?
Cranial Sacral Plus Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
Suggested reading:
Daoyin Breathingby David Knox
Your Immune System and How to Work with Itby David Knox
Your Immune System and How to Work with Itby David Knox
Kelly Bustus
Sous Chef. Relish Bistro
What if great comfort food recipses can make us feel better?
For fave cookbooks, Kelly Bustus recommends: Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curingby Michael Ruhlman, Brian Polcyn, and
The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America's Most Imaginative Chefsby Andrew Dornenburg, Karen Page Feijoada Recipe
Ingredients1 pound dry black beans (soaked overnight)*1 tablespoon olive oil4 ounces slab bacon (rind removed), diced1 pound pork ribs, cut into individual ribs2 Mexican chorizo sausages, sliced1 smoked sausage, such as linguica or kielbasa, sliced1 large onion, chopped4 cloves garlic, minced3 tomatoes, diced1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon ground black pepper3 bay leaveswaterwhite rice (for serving)farofa (for serving)
InstructionsIn a large bowl with water, soak beans overnight.When you are ready to make your stew, in a large heavy-bottom soup pot, over medium heat, add the oil and bacon. Cook until crisp and transfer to a plate.Use the same saucepan to brown ribs and sausages in batches. Set aside.If needed, add more oil to the pan. On medium-high, sauté onion and garlic until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook for another 3 minutes.Drain and rinse the soaked beans. Add them to the pot along with the ribs, bacon, sausages, salt, pepper, bay leave. Cover with water (about 8 cups).Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Cover and let it cook for 2 to 2 and a half hours, or until the beans are soft.If the stew is too liquidy, uncover the saucepan and continue to cook for another 20 minutes to allow some of the liquid to evaporate.Serve with white rice and sprinkle some farofa on top.--
The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide to Culinary Creativity, Based on the Wisdom of America's Most Imaginative Chefsby Andrew Dornenburg, Karen Page Feijoada Recipe
Ingredients1 pound dry black beans (soaked overnight)*1 tablespoon olive oil4 ounces slab bacon (rind removed), diced1 pound pork ribs, cut into individual ribs2 Mexican chorizo sausages, sliced1 smoked sausage, such as linguica or kielbasa, sliced1 large onion, chopped4 cloves garlic, minced3 tomatoes, diced1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon ground black pepper3 bay leaveswaterwhite rice (for serving)farofa (for serving)
InstructionsIn a large bowl with water, soak beans overnight.When you are ready to make your stew, in a large heavy-bottom soup pot, over medium heat, add the oil and bacon. Cook until crisp and transfer to a plate.Use the same saucepan to brown ribs and sausages in batches. Set aside.If needed, add more oil to the pan. On medium-high, sauté onion and garlic until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook for another 3 minutes.Drain and rinse the soaked beans. Add them to the pot along with the ribs, bacon, sausages, salt, pepper, bay leave. Cover with water (about 8 cups).Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Cover and let it cook for 2 to 2 and a half hours, or until the beans are soft.If the stew is too liquidy, uncover the saucepan and continue to cook for another 20 minutes to allow some of the liquid to evaporate.Serve with white rice and sprinkle some farofa on top.--
Rob Andrew
Program and Operations Manager KCR
Co-Host, Kootenay Morning
Why Community Radio is more important now than ever before.
April 25th, 2021 Show audio
Lori Barkley
Political Anthropologist
Lori Barkley, political anthropologist, What if we could really underestand the reality of indgenous people and settlers in the Kootenays? www.bloodoflifecollective.org
Suggested Reading (click on title for link):Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt WayMarilyn James, Taress Alexis
As We Have Always DoneLeanne Betasamosake Simpson
Braiding SweetgrassRobin Wall Kimmerer
As We Have Always DoneLeanne Betasamosake Simpson
Braiding SweetgrassRobin Wall Kimmerer